• The Doctor of Social work is a professional doctorate for both UK based as well as International (EU and wider Overseas) students. Its purpose is to enable those working in professional contexts to make a difference by carrying out applied or action-orientated research in a variety of areas. It also facilitates organisational input on agreed research areas and can enhance organisational research capacity.
  • The Doctor of Social Work is designed for those who are involved in aspects of social work, social policy and practice in a wide range of settings, including government, voluntary organisations, community-based projects, management, education, social care, health care, probation and user groups, as paid workers or volunteers.
  • It aims to develop critical reflection within participants' policy, practice and organisational contexts, enhance applied social research skills, and develop ability to carry out and apply original research. 
  • The programme comprises research training, work orientated assignments and a 50,000-word thesis demonstrating original work.