It is based upon a critical concern for social justice and the ways this is understood and implemented through policy and practice to affect the lives of disadvantaged children and young people as well as poor and marginalised groups and communities.The MA Education (Social Justice) aims to:

  • Increase awareness of, and access to, a range of academic ideas and research findings in relation to issues of education andÊ social justice
  • Promote personalization of broad themes around the challenges posed by changing global political, social and economic landscapes and to meet the needs and interests of students while providing a focused line of study
  • Promote vocationally relevant and varied assessment formats with a negotiated focus to support individual and organisational needs
  • Promote engagement with key issues in education and social justice, involving critical examination of a wide range of key sources and texts
  • Encourage evidence-based practice and reflexive practice-based understandings through engagement with work-based settings allowing student to integrate theoretical ideas with practical implications.