• The University of Birmingham offers B.Sc in Physics program for a duration of 3 years.
  • It is an Honours program and available Full-time.
  • Physics BSc degree program gives students a firm grounding in core physics. Flexibility is the essence of this degree, allowing them to select a range of modules to suit particular interests, covering a broad spectrum of cutting-edge topics, leaving space for them to specialize where they wish.
  • The Physics BSc is ideal if the student wants to keep their studies broad, want to specialize in an area university does not offer a specific program for, or are unsure what might want to focus on in the future.  Students can swap between the Physics BSc and Physics MSc until the end of the second year, provided the student meets the criteria. Additionally, a student can swap to the Physics and Astrophysics or the Physics with Particle Physics and Cosmology course at the end of the first or second year too. Students can also choose to take a year abroad, subject to language requirements.
  • There are many opportunities for students to undertake project work during their degree, for example as part of their lab work in the first two years. A project develops a wide range of skills including planning and report writing and the group studies in their final year is a major project which is undertaken in groups of 10-20 students. The task requires the group to work as a team and enables them to solve a problem of much greater magnitude than could be attempted by an individual. The teamwork skills learned here are invaluable in success in a future career. 
  • Job opportunities after the B.Sc in Physics, and the average salary goes up to 87,163USD