Artificial Intelligence is at the cutting edge of technology and its potential applications are almost limitless. From developing robots that help people in their own homes to using AI in modelling and managing serious health conditions.

This program is taught by a team of active researchers, so you’ll benefit from their ongoing work and be taught the latest techniques on this interactive course.

This program will provides you the specialized, technical information you need, and you'll develop your ability to create ethical, well-justified and appropriate AI solutions to real-life challenges.With an emphasis on practical experience, you’ll have the opportunity to design and plan, implement, test, evaluate and document your solutions, preparing you for future challenges as you develop your career.

You’ll work on your own and as part of a team on projects and presentations, including one to design your own computer game. The different projects will enable you to develop your communication and team working skills alongside your technical expertise, which is important as you enter the workplace.