AstonÕs long-established MSc in Telecommunications Technology programme is organised by the Electronic Engineering subject group in cooperation with the telecommunications industry via an industrial steering committee. The programme is designed to develop or update a wide range of technical understanding, engineering Òknow-howÓ and professional skills that are needed to contribute effectively to the design and development of telecommunications systems for national and international networks, or to enter telecommunications research.

The programme is involved in the ERASMUS exchange scheme with a well established link with ENST Brest. Graduates of this programme are highly regarded; many of our past students have risen to senior posts within the telecommunications sector.

Taught modules and examinations/assessments are completed during the six months October to March. After successful completion students may then progress to the six month individual research project during April to October.

We endeavour to place students with industrial sponsors for the duration of their projects, with all other projects being undertaken at the University.