This course aims to provide you with a high level of scientific knowledge and understanding of stem cell biology and regenerative medicine - from the molecular to the whole system level. The course aims to enable you to develop an informed and critical appreciation of recent scientific developments in these areas of modern biomedical sciences and its clinical and industrial application, as well as a practical skill set for further research and learning, e.g. PhD studies.

You will encounter a variety of teaching and learning methods, including:Ê

  • LecturesÊ
  • Practical classesÊ
  • TutorialsÊ
  • SeminarsÊ
  • A research project,Êlikely to be a laboratory-based project where you will collect and analyse your own data
  • Some modules will include group workÊ
  • The core employability module will use visiting lecturers from industry to illustrate the potential employment avenues for graduates of this course.Ê

Assessment will vary depending upon the module and will include both examinations and continuous assessment through coursework.

Graduates from this course are prepared for a research-focussed role in industry, including the developing clinical field of stem cell therapies of regenerative medicine, or academia.Ê

You can therefore expect to apply for roles in further research, in the form of a PhD or research assistant, or undertake a career in the commercial or clinical sector.Ê