Physics is a core discipline at the heart of our attempts to address many of the challenges facing modern society, from the need for sustainable power generation to our thirst for ever-higher data rates on the internet.

This programme aims to:

  • Provide an understanding of the physics principles that underpin development in engineering and of the scientific tools that are important to both physicists and engineers.Ê
  • Provide students with an excellent learning experience that draws on the research and consultancy of Aston academic staffÊ
  • Provide well qualified graduates with key skills for lifelong learningÊ
  • Meet the accreditation requirements of appropriate professional bodies, in particular the Institute of PhysicsÊ
  • Ensure relevance by maintaining and enhancing the SchoolÕs links with industry, business, professional science based organisationsÊ
  • Maintain and enhance the employability of graduatesÊ
  • Give graduates the grounding and skills to enable them to continue developing their knowledge and understandingÊ

With experience of a highly numerate subject requiring a significant amount of problem solving, applied physicists are in demand by both the industrial and service sectors, as well as being well prepared for a research career. They will perform research and development in high-technology industries in various fields including telecommunications, microelectronics and microdevices, optics, lasers, novel materials and advanced manufacturing after graduation. Additionally, the broad, thorough training provided in fundamentals and applied technology by this programme will enable our graduates to explore other burgeoning fields, such as energy, nanotechnology, biotechnology, and communications technology. Applied physics graduates can also enter advanced degree programmes to start an academic career, conduct research and instruct the next generation of physicists and engineers.

Applied physics is an ideal background for careers in patent law, and provides a very desirable pathway to careers in finance. Applied physics offers a seamless way to enter master programmes and then start careers in the highly-recruited area of medical physics, and is excellent preparation for careers at the interfaces of biology, medicine, and physics.Ê