This ground-breaking, fast-track, higher level qualification allows to you gain an MEng qualification in 4 years, rather than the traditional 5-year path, making it a more time and cost-effective choice. Designed to stretch our top students, it also includes a 12-month industrial placement, giving you the opportunity to study electronics more deeply than at BEng level while also gaining valuable industry experience.ÊÊ

Because electronic engineering impacts on so many facets of modern-day life, it is perhaps no surprise to find that it is the most extensive and pervasive of all the engineering disciplines.

The design of this innovative course emphasises ÔdoingÕ as well as ÔknowingÕ, helping you to develop essential practical, intellectual, business and communication skills. This Ôreal worldÕ approach, combined with the beneficial experience you will gain during your placement, will give you a clear competitive edge in the search for graduate employment.