As a Biomedical engineer, you will be entering the profession at a time of exciting change and innovation. Biomedical engineers have the skills and flexibility to be involved in a wide number of activities from the development of novel devices to the delivery of expert services directly to patients. As well as supporting clinical staff, personnel and financial governance of medical equipment, ranging from the analysis and reporting on incidents involving medical devices to the assessment of new technologies, is also a vital need of the constantly growing healthcare sector.

You will also have the opportunity to complete several clinical and manufacturing visits designed to inspire innovation and entrepreneurship. We are partners in the Medical Device Testing and Evaluation centre (MD-TEC) based in the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham giving you access to over 100 companies developing real-world health products and seeking graduate employees in an entrepreneurial environment with mock operating theatres and wards.

The BEng:

  • The BEng and MEng courses are taught together for years one to three.Ê
  • The curriculum is designed to provide a sound academic and practical understanding of engineering systems and applications in the medical field. You will develop a deep understanding of the human physiology and the biological functions of the body. Specific emphasis is put on engineering knowledge and practical skills including: mathematics, electronics, software engineering, biomechanics, biomaterials, simulation and modelling of biological systems, clinical practice and research methodologies.ÊÊ
  • You will experience hands on development of real-world devices from the very first year of the course to emphasise the Òlearning by doingÓ ethos we embrace.ÊÊ
  • By the final year of the BEng course, you will be able to undertake significant independent work as evidenced by a large project. This will become a key part of a portfolio of projects that you will develop across the course as a whole, which will become a showcase for potential employers of your newly acquired skills as a biomedical engineer.

The MEng:

  • This is an optional additional year, making the course four years in duration.
  • The fourth year will take a form of placement. The placement is different to most other courses as typically students undertake a placement between their second and third year and then return for an additional year to finish their studies. The Aston Biomedical Engineering placement takes place in the fourth year, and students take final year MEng modules via distance learning. This allows you to take up employment at an earlier stage (or to undertake an internship) while gaining a masterÕs degree in 4 years.Ê
  • You can opt to take the 4 year MEng course at any point during the course (subject to satisfactory performance).Ê