The BEng Electrical & Electronic Engineering programme will provide you with the analytical skills, design expertise and flexibility required to adapt to and master rapidly evolving technologies.ÊÊ

You will begin by covering the fundamental principles of the field such as digital and analogue electronics, computing, mathematics and project management.Ê

Extensive laboratory based practical work is fully integrated with the lecture material throughout the course to help reinforce theory with experience.ÊÊ

You will be able to specialise in your areas of interest by selecting from a range of options including digital system design, telecommunications systems, optoelectronics and signal processing before embarking in the final year on an extensive design project of your own choosing.ÊÊ

We have taken a very close look at the progression paths taken by our students and have recognised that the majority prefer to take a BEng degree and then gain employment experience.Ê Many then anticipate returning to the University to study at MSc level, usually with company backing, after a year or two of gaining experience.Ê As a result we have redesigned the BEng programmes to meet the demands of industry and to provide a vertically integrated programme of study leading from BEng to MSc.