The first two years ofÊstudyÊare dedicated toÊdeveloping yourÊcore knowledge and understanding in the areas of human biology, biochemistry, laboratory and investigative techniques as well as academic writing skills, ecology and human evolution along with the opportunity to further develop your interests in osteology or evolution in a wildlife conservation context.Ê

A highlight of the year two curriculum is the international field trip, with eachÊadventureÊfocusing onÊaÊkey theme,Êfor example:Êconservation in practice inÊMadagascar,Êor preparation for climate change in farming communities in Nepal. Much of the work will involve field-based lectures, discussions andÊseminars withÊlocalÊexperts, but the bulk of activities will involveÊindividual projects focused on specific tasks within these broad concepts.Ê

Year three provides that all-important chance to experience some essential and exciting subjects designed for your future career focus either in biomedical sciences or environmental sciences. Some of you may wish to complete a five or 30-week placement in industry. In year two you will have the opportunity to choose to study specialised units that are of interest to you and your future career plans, this specialisation can be carried forward as your independent research project in your final year.Ê