During theÊChildren's & Young People's Nursing (Hons) programme from Bournemouth UniversityÊyou will usually be taught by a range of staff with relevant expertise and knowledge appropriate to the content of the unit. This will include senior academic staff, qualified professional practitioners, demonstrators, technicians and research students. You will also benefit from regular guest lectures from industry.

Many nurses may wish to undertake training for a different part of the nursing register at some point in their careers. This programme provides a conversion course for nurses who wish to move from one part of the nursing register to another.

The duration of the course will depend on your previous qualifications and experiences. The average time for a programme leading to a second registration is normally 18 months. However, the team needs to be assured that you are able to meet all professional and academic requirements. This decision is based upon your recent experience and evidence of study.


This programme is designed for practising nurses who want to move from one part of the nursing register to another and will provide you with excellent career progression opportunities.

98% of students studying a Adult Nursing course are working or studying within six month after finishing their studies.