The courseÕs primary focus is on attaining a professional qualification.

It is designed to take your broad knowledge of planning and provide the detail that will give you the professional skills and experience youÕll need to forge a career in this area.

Your dissertation will be a work based project, working for a client organisation on a brief that they commission.

You will learn the use of techniques (GIS, design software, statistical analysis) but more importantly, how to apply them to solve problems, create new solutions for the built environment and understand the complexity of environmental management.

The Environment

YouÕll be working in an applied problem-solving environment, confronting genuine challenges in the field and making a real contribution to sustainable environments.

We place an emphasis on projects on live planning problems such as a Development Plan exercise for a client (local authority), on studio work and applied learning outside the class including problem-solving with controversial proposals, such as fracking and windfarm applications.

YouÕll work with your fellow students in teams to find practical approaches to the management and development of the built environment.

Planning and Development Highlights

Professional Accreditations

  • This MSc is professionally accredited by the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) and has a strong emphasis on the practical skills and knowledge required for theoretically-informed practice.

Student Experience

  • The degree incorporates a week-long study visit to a venue outside Northern Ireland during the Semester 2, and work shadow experience in Northern Ireland on the planning appeals process after the end of Semester 2 examinations. Additionally a two-day planning practice study visit will be made to a venue in Great Britain or Ireland in early July. Students are expected to contribute to the costs of these study visits.

Career Prospects

Our graduates end up in leading positions in central and local government and as well as in planning consultancies in the private sector. Some of them have gone on to lead significant environmental campaigns such as opposition to fracking; work with NGOs such as Friends of the Earth; and work with communities to make their neighbourhoods better, such as with disadvantaged groups.

Queen's postgraduates reap exceptional benefits. Unique initiatives, such as Degree Plus and Researcher Plus bolster our commitment to employability, while innovative leadership and executive programmes alongside sterling integration with business experts helps our students gain key leadership positions both nationally and internationally.