Who Are You?

You are probably a recent physical or life sciences graduate Ð chemistry, pharmacy and biology.

But you could equally be in work and want to develop your professional skills. If you are, we offer this course part-time as well, one day per week.

Why Study This Course?

Our industrial partners are always telling us they need people like you. Analysts are among the most sought after professionals with some of the highest employability rates.

You will receive practical training on state-of-the-art separation techniques, such as HPLC/MS and GC/MS, in the purpose built Pharmaceutical Analysis lab designed in partnership with Agilent (a world-leading instrument manufacturer)

Pharmaceutical Analysis Highlights

This programme is taught jointly between the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering and the School of Pharmacy by leading experts in the field.

Industry Links

  • Our industrial partners have influenced the course structure, to tell us what they need from the latest analytical graduates. We have guest lectures from industry to tell you about the issues they face, out in the field.

Career Development

  • Employability is a major perk of the course. Ireland, north and south, is a major hub for the Pharmaceutical industry.

World Class Facilities

  • Everything is on-campus, and the course is very hands-on and interactive. You will receive practical training on state-of-the-art separation techniques, such as HPLC/MS and GC/MS, in the purpose built Pharmaceutical Analysis lab designed in partnership with Agilent (a world-leading instrument manufacturer)

Student Experience

  • Dr Panagiotis Manesiotis, the course director, has a background in analytical and materials chemistry. His research covers: Plastic antibodies: making from polymers what nature makes from proteins: creating more robust and less expensive antibodies. Environmental clean-up: engaging with the food industry and environmental protection agencies to recover valuable resources from waste and recycle them into useful materials Ð including phosphorus and nitrogen in food production waste, and even heavy metals from waste water.

Career Prospects

This programme is designed to prepare students for employment as analysts in the pharmaceutical and related industries.

There is currently a high demand, both locally and internationally, for graduates with analytical skills in this sector. Queen's postgraduates reap exceptional benefits. Unique initiatives, such as Degree Plus and Researcher Plus bolster our commitment to employability, while innovative leadership and executive programmes alongside sterling integration with business experts helps our students gain key leadership positions both nationally and internationally.