Modern biotechnologies rely on our increasing ability to manipulate organisms at the genetic level and include novel waste treatments and bioremediations, new pharmaceuticals, the exploitation of enzymes in 'green catalysis' and exciting new diagnostic techniques. In the 20th century our lives were transformed by information technology; the 21st century may see an equally great transformation, but this time led by biotechnology.

This Masters degree aims to teach the fundamental molecular bioscience underpinning biotechnology along with examples of its current applications.

Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Highlights

The School of Biological Sciences was the first school of Biological Sciences in the UK to achieve a prestigious Athena SWAN Gold award.

World Class Facilities

  • The School is well equipped and carries out internationally competitive research in microbial, environmental and medical biotechnology.

Student Experience

  • Students will be offered selection of research project titles covering various aspects of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology. Students will join a research laboratories and work full time in the real research environment for 3 month in summer. Students will be directly supervised by a member of research team.

ÊCareer Prospects

This MSc will enable you to pursue a range of careers including commercial, industrial and healthcare applications of molecular biology. This course is also an excellent foundation for those wishing to pursue research at PhD level. Recent graduates have gone on to roles such as; Formulations Analyst, Norbrook; Right First Time Specialist, Pfizer; Research Associate at Zymergen, Inc; Technical Support, Qiagen; Validation Scientist, BD Bioscience; Quality Assurance, Baxter International; Associate Scientist, Abbott.