• Leadership in schools is associated with fostering an environment where students can achieve their full potential and where educational staff are supported, motivated, and can professionally develop.
  • Effective school leaders are often described as having the capacity to transform and motivate others, they have vision, experience, and expertise. This course takes the view, however, that effective schools have leaders that can be found all across a school and are not necessarily confined only to those in senior positions.
  • Key ideas explored in this course are leadership that is distributed, collaboration and the benefits of networks, transformational leadership and how effective leadership can change and improve schools.
  • The MSc in Educational Leadership recognizes that schools and more broadly educational systems depend on leaders from all walks of life and all types of positions, regardless of assigned title.
  • It is intended, therefore, to provide leadership development for people who work in all manner of roles in the educational system: classroom teachers, formal school leaders, local authority personnel, policymakers, and any individual with a direct interest in the primary and post-primary school sectors.