Mathematics is the universal language of science, and a beautiful subject in itself. It is a discipline which also has important applications in industry and commerce, and well-qualified mathematicians and statisticians are in great demand, with a wide choice of careers, making Mathematics an excellent choice as a degree subject. Mathematical Studies at Queen's encompasses three subject areas:

  • Applied Mathematics
  • Pure Mathematics
  • Statistics & Operational Research (SOR)

In each, the ideas that have been encountered at school are extended and new areas are introduced. It is important to appreciate that what may be understood as either Pure or Applied Mathematics from school experience will differ from the University experience. For this reason, amongst others, Mathematics students usually study both Pure and Applied Mathematics in the first year, with Statistics being a likely third component.

Career Prospects

Studying for BSc in Applied Mathematics and Physics degreeÊat Queen's University BelfastÊwill assist students in developing the core skills and employment-related experiences that are valued by employers, professional organisations and academic institutions. Graduates from this degree at QueenÕs are well regarded by many employers (local, national and international) and over half of all graduate jobs are now open to graduates of any discipline, including mathematics.Ê

Although many of our graduates are interested in pursuing careers in teaching, banking and finance, significant numbers develop careers in a wide range of other sectors. The following is a list of the major career sectors that have attracted our graduates in recent years:

  • Management Consultancy
  • Export Marketing (NI Programme)
  • Fast Stream Civil Service
  • Varied graduate programmes (Times Top 100 Graduate Recruiters/AGR, Association of Graduate Recruiters UK)