The programme offered by the Cranfield UniversityÊmajors on industrially relevant projects, team working, and transferable skills. Our graduates enjoy careers in a wide range of sectors from financial services through to health care.

Why this course?

There are numerous benefits associated with undertaking a postgraduate programme of study here, including:

  • Study in a postgraduate-only environment where Masters' graduates can secure positions in full-time employment in their chosen field, or undertake academic research
  • Teaching by leading academics as well as industrial practitioners
  • Work alongside a strong research team
  • Dedicated support for off-campus learners including extensive information resources managed by the University's library
  • Consultancy to companies supporting their employees on part-time programmes, in relation to individual projects


Cranfield manufacturing graduates are highly sought after by industry. Many graduates take on appointments with a wide range of manufacturing enterprises or, increasingly, apply their skills to other sectors from financial services through to health care.