Cranfield University has become the first university in the UK to receive full certification from the UK Government Communications Headquarters,ÊGCHQ, for the MSc course.

The Digital Forensics programme offered by the Cranfield University is specifically designed to provide you with the practical skills, knowledge base and research skills to work as a digital forensics practitioner.

You will be taught by staff from the University and external lecturers, many of whom are world leaders in their field and who understand the problems of translating theory into practice. Guest lectures are delivered by digital forensic practitioners throughout the course, with guest lecturers coming from both law enforcement and private companies. The teaching team includes:

Students will complete a number of taught modules each with theoretical and practical elements and, for the MSc, an individual research project.


Our MSc course and its individual modules, or equivalent, are regularly cited in job adverts for digital forensics jobs. This highlights our real-world learning, application to the work place and our relevance to practitioners.