Why studyÊHistory of Art and Theology & Religion at University of Aberdeen?

YouÕll gain extensive specialised knowledge of the history of painting, sculpture, architecture and the decorative arts in Europe and North America from the Middle Ages to the present day, and including religious art.

YouÕll study in buildings centuries old, yet with the most modern teaching and technology, inspired by teachers and researchers whose specialist areas range from Pictish art, medieval architecture, Italian Baroque painting, early modern prints, and Scottish and British painting from the 17th to 20th centuries.

In Theology & Religious Studies youÕll gain a sound understanding of the major religious traditions of the world, including their historical development and contemporary importance, with a special focus on Christian faith, life and doctrine in its historical, institutional and contemporary context.

YouÕll study biblical languages, the history of the church in the west, the Reformation in Scotland, the role of religion in ethical and political debates, and religious aspects of disability.

As a graduate youÕll have the specialist and the transferable academic skills to be highly employable in a wide range of roles whether you choose to specialise in church ministry and related roles, art gallery and museum sectors, or many other careers for which your skills will be invaluable.