You study a range of marine habitats, including sandy beaches, rocky shores, mudflats and estuaries, open ocean and the deep sea, in field- and lab-based practical work.

Marine Biology programme at University of Aberdeen provides you with a strong foundation in biological sciences, principles and methodologies, while providing you with expertise in marine science. The interdisciplinary nature of marine biology means that you will graduate with a holistic understanding of the sea. Your courses include topics in ocean biology, oceanography, marine ecology, population ecology, international laws and policy related to fisheries management, marine-based renewable energy and aquaculture.


One of the great advantages of having a biology degree from the University of Aberdeen is that it provides you with a very broad range of skills to offer employers. Not only do we train students in scientific methodology in the laboratory and in the field, we incorporate what we call 'graduate attributes' into the whole curriculum. Employers now expect an impressive list of skills, knowledge and experience in their graduate recruits and we aim to help you acquire these.

Many career possibilities are open to graduate Marine Biologists. Employers include fisheriesÕ laboratories, governmental and non- governmental conservation organisations, local government, environmental protection agencies and research bodies. There is a growing demand for marine specialists and a variety of companies have arisen as marine legislation and regulations increasingly require rigorous environmental audit and monitoring. There are also opportunities in environmental education.

A considerable number of graduates continue their education by undertaking higher degrees (e.g. MSc or PhD) or by taking a postgraduate Diploma to enter biology or general science teaching. Recent graduates have also been taken on as interns with non-governmentalÊ