Physiology is the study of how the body works. More than any other of the biological sciences, it involves using an understanding of biological process at the most basic level to explain how a whole organ or an entire body functions. It is this integrated aspect that puts Physiology at the centre of the biological and medical sciences.

Physiological studies of normal biological function provide the basis for understanding the abnormal function observed in human and animal disease and for developing new therapeutic treatments. The scope of physiology ranges from investigation of molecular actions in single cells to studying the way our body systems control our ability to think, eat, sleep and perform exercise. To achieve this, Physiologists must also use the related disciplines of anatomy, biochemistry, pharmacology, genetics and immunology.

5 year MSci degree

Physiology programme at University of Aberdeen offers you the opportunity to undertake a year's placement in an industrial, commercial or research environment and graduate after five years with an MSci (an undergraduate Masters degree) instead of a BSc.