They have been teaching Scottish Gaelic (Gˆidhlig) and culture for a hundred years, led by teachers and researchers passionate about Gaelic and whose work directly influences Scottish policy on keeping Gaelic alive, healthy and important in Scotland today.

You will learn more about Scotland's oldest living language and develop your Gaelic skills in a friendly and supportive environment, either as your main focus of study or in addition to other subjects Ð for example you may be a teacher keen to add teaching in Gaelic language to your skill set.

Today, there are nearly 3,000 people in north-east Scotland with knowledge of Gaelic and our students and staff play an important role in the local community through Gaelic-interest clubs, activities, networks and organisations.

Opportunities for graduates fluent in Scottish Gaelic are very good. Teaching, Gaelic development, arts management and librarianship are all career options and the commitment in Scotland to Gaelic broadcasting means increasing demand for Gaelic graduates to work in the media.

Studying Gaelic Studies at University of Aberdeen you will thrive in our friendly and vibrant international community, on our beautiful medieval campus with great facilities for learning, sports and leisure and many opportunities to develop additional skills and designed to make you a highly sought-after graduate in whatever career path you choose.