You will gain unique insight into the role of visual culture in our complex world today and a broad understanding of international relations, which will add international career options to your preparation for the creative arts.

The unique Film & Visual Culture and International Relations at University of Aberdeen combines close analysis of visual objects and artefacts Ð analogue and digital, moving and still, underground and mainstream Ð with theories of visual representation, production and circulation. You will gain specialist knowledge and skills in the academic study of cinema, with an emphasis on building analytical skills in research and critical writing. You will also have the opportunity to develop skills in digital video production and web design.

In International Relations you will look closely at how nations and organisations interact, what contributes to global wealth and poverty and persisting inequalities. You will study regional and international tensions, nationalism, concepts of democracy Ð and ever-present concerns of conflict and peace. You will be taught by internationally renowned academics with strong track records in publishing international papers and articles and who appear regularly in the media, analysing and explaining national, European and world developments from the viewpoint of their own area of expertise and research.

You will gain the perfect foundation to add international career possibilities to your career options in film and new media, including international business, NGOs and international development, local and national government, politics, and journalism, plus transferable skills including critical analysis and communication ideally suited to a range of careers.