Human Embryology and Developmental Biology programme at University of Aberdeen will provide a broad and multifaceted training in modern biology, ranging from traditional morphology and experimental embryology to the latest molecular and bioinformatics approaches in genetics, cell biology, stem cell biology and biotechnology.

Research in Developmental Biology is central to the search for cures for many human genetic diseases, including cancer, and is at the forefront of recent advances in modern medicine, which includes stem cell maintenance regeneration and tissue repair.

This degree offers you the opportunity to undertake a year's placement in an industrial, commercial or research environment and graduate after five years with an MSci (an undergraduate Masters degree) instead of a BSc.


The Human Embryology and Developmental Biology degree offers particularly good prospects for research careers in academia, industry and hospitals because of its broad training in medically-relevant modern biology with many transferable skills.

Many of our graduates follow their degree with PhD research in a wide range of laboratories. Others move in to positions in hospital research, fertility sciences, diagnostic laboratories, research institutes and in administrative capacities in the civil service, pharmaceutical and related industries.