Why studyÊPhysics programme at University of Aberdeen?

We offer a modern, modular degree structure with a broad syllabus and a wide range of degree choices.

Long tradition of teaching physical sciences combined with modern facilities.

Emphasis placed on teaching employability and development of generic skills, useful in a wide range of careers.

We also offer a broad-based, less mathematical degree in Physical Science that allows the combination of Physics courses with a wide choice of other subjects.

Learn from research active, academic staff.

We are engaged in a wide range of research areas ranging from the fundamental nature of the universe through to understanding the atomic structure of complex materials and semiconductor device physics.

Our graduates go in to a huge range of jobs including; Meteorology, Medical physics, Environmental monitoring, Astronomy, Particle physics, Geophysics, Materials science, Invention Design, Teaching,

Financial Modelling.

Physics challenges our imaginations with concepts like relativity and string theory and it leads to great discoveries about how the world works.

Discoveries in Physics make possible technological innovations like transistors and the microchip, computers and lasers which in turn change our lives. Physics encompasses the study of the Universe from the largest galaxies to the smallest subatomic particles.

Physics is the basis of many other sciences, including chemistry, oceanography, seismology, and astronomy. With a Physics degree you are qualified to enter a vast variety of careers. Graduates become involved in meteorology, medical physics, environmental monitoring, astronomy, particle physics, geophysics, materials science, invention, design, teaching and even financial modelling.

This is a chance to get a qualification with a strong science base and a broad appreciation of the ideas and history behind the science.


With a good numerate and technical degree such as Physics, employment prospects are excellent.

Many graduates become professional scientists in industry, research institutes and universities. Physics graduates also use their quantitative and data analysis skills in a variety of different ways in industry and commerce. Many Physics graduates command high salaries in the computing and financial sectors. In addition, there is a shortage of Physics teachers in schools throughout the UK. In some specialist areas such as meteorology, biomedical physics, space science, remote sensing, geophysics and other physics related subjects, it is usual to study for an MSc degree to obtain further knowledge.

Many Physics graduates may wish to obtain a PhD degree, either in Physics or a related area, to provide additional skills that are valued by academic, industrial and commercial organisations.


  • Geophysicist
  • IT Technician
  • Mechanical Design Engineer
  • SAS Consultant
  • Support Geoscientist