Why studyÊMathematics and Physics at University of Aberdeen?

Why Mathematics

  • We offer a challenging syllabus which emphasises reasoning, rigour and the argumentative side of mathematics.
  • Our ambition is to give you a sound preparation for a career in which mathematics plays a role, whether it be in research or through applications.
  • We offer excellent student experience delivered by enthusiastic staff combined with small class sizes, approximately 25 or less in the Honours years.
  • We offer a degree in Pure Mathematics and degree in Applied Mathematics to suit your taste and interests. You will only need to make the choice in your 3rd year.
  • We offer a range of choices with your degree programme, across both the sciences (BSc) and the Arts (MA). You can focus your attention entirely on Mathematics or you can spread your interests to combine it with other subjects.
  • We offer attractive joint degrees with Economics, Physics and other disciplines, including languages.
  • The department run a number of key events and seminars throughout the year, giving you the chance to network with students and academics.
  • Interactions with applied maths are fostered through our involvement in the Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics, comprised of the Department of Mathematics together with the Institute for Complex Systems and Mathematical Biology.

Why Physics

  • The Department of Physics at the University of Aberdeen has a long and illustrious history, and former staff include great physicists such as James Clerk Maxwell and G.P. Thomson.
  • We offer a modern, modular degree structure with a broad syllabus and a wide range of degree choices.
  • Long tradition of teaching physical sciences combined with modern facilities.
  • Emphasis placed on teaching employability and development of generic skills, useful in a wide range of careers.
  • We also offer a broad-based, less mathematical degree in Physical Science that allows the combination of Physics courses with a wide choice of other subjects.
  • Learn from research active, academic staff.
  • We are engaged in a wide range of research areas ranging from the fundamental nature of the universe through to understanding the atomic structure of complex materials and semiconductor device physics.
  • Our graduates go in to a huge range of jobs including; Meteorology, Medical physics, Environmental monitoring, Astronomy, Particle physics, Geophysics, Materials science, Invention Design, Teaching, Financial Modelling.

Mathematics is the language of physics and the two are very closely connected. It is the means by which theories of Physics are described and how the complex mathematical relations between force fields, matter and light are expressed. Advanced Mathematics looks at Calculus, Algebra, Probability, Analysis, Theories, and Modelling to give you a solid grounding in advanced applications of Mathematics. These are directly applicable to a lot of new Industry 4.0 applications and traditional areas of business which are now evolving and requiring new applications of Mathematics and Physics.


There are many opportunities at the University of Aberdeen to develop your knowledge, gain experience and build a competitive set of skills to enhance your employability. This is essential for your future career success. The Careers Service can help you to plan your career and support your choices throughout your time with us, from first to final year Ð and beyond.