Degree benefits
  • Spend first two years of study at Sciences Po, the most prestigious institution for social and political sciences in France.
  • Benefit from UCL's world-class teaching system and the insights of its renowned humanities, language and social sciences scholars.
  • The complementarity of social science and humanities specialisms on offer at UCL and Sciences Po enables a cohesive programme of study throughout your degree.
  • The programme offers international mobility and an overseas experience. These features have become invaluable assets for all young graduates starting a career.


  • The Dual Degree gives you the wide-ranging employability of graduates in PPE or International Relations, but with the added maturity of study in two different countries, and the advantage of fluency in a European language - essential for anyone seeking a career in a European context, and increasingly valuable for the financial sector or media posts.
  • ESPS and Sciences Po graduates combine specialised knowledge of a humanities or social science with a broad foundation in economics, law, history, sociology and politics and, importantly, proficiency in another language or languages. On top of this, they have the independence born of studying in two countries.
  • In particular, students are able to demonstrate their aptitude for research by writing a research essay. This unique combination yields a significant advantage when it comes to securing funding for further research or getting a foothold on a competitive career ladder.
  • A wide variety of sectors are open to Sciences Po and ESPS graduates including auditing, finance, journalism and media.