Exercise and Health Science explores the role of sport, exercise and nutrition in the prevention and treatment of disease and overall enhancement of wellbeing throughout the life cycle. It seeks to further our scientific knowledge and understanding about physical activity, the principles and practice of performance, and the application of nutrition, psychology and physical activity to benefit health.

After developing fundamental knowledge of medical and sports science and an understanding of the link between exercise and health, students ofÊExercise and Health Science with Industrial Placement programme at University of Aberdeen will be given the chance to pursue specific issues covering different aspects of health, physical activity, psychology and nutrition.

In your fourth year you will undertake a year's industrial placement and graduate after five years with an MSci (an undergraduate Masters degree) instead of a BSc. Placements vary considerably but in general terms, you will be placed in an industrial, commercial or research environment where you will obtain a breadth of practical experience to complement your degree programme and enhance your employability.