This provides students with the opportunity to engage with a broad range of perspectives and develop a comprehensive theoretical understanding of education policy. Students will study major and topical themes within social science (such as globalisation, markets and managerialism) with a particular emphasis on their effects on and relevance to education.

Students undertake modules to the value of 180 credits.

The programme consists of two core modules (60 credits), two optional modules (60 credits) and a dissertation (60 credits), or a report (30 credits) and a third optional module (30 credits)


Graduates of this programme are currently working across a broad range of areas. Some are working as teachers, while others have jobs as educational policymakers. Graduates can also be found studying for PhDs.

Why study this degree at UCL?

The Department of Education, Practice and Society at UCL Institute of Education is the home of an interdisciplinary grouping bringing together high-quality teaching and research in the history, sociology and philosophy of education, international development, post-compulsory and vocational education and higher education.

The MA is taught primarily by sociologists within the department who have expertise in policy analysis, gender, 'race', sexuality, youth, and social class. Those teaching you are active researchers and will introduce you to the latest research and developments in their fields. Linking research, policy and practice, the result is an extraordinarily powerful learning community.

The MA attracts both home and international students, with a range of backgrounds and experiences thus providing excellent educational and networking opportunities.