Degree benefits
  • UCL's Department of Chemical Engineering is one of the best in the country. You will be taught by lecturers recognised as international leaders in their field.
  • The department offers an impressive national and international network of industrial contacts and has strong collaborative links with other university departments in the UK and abroad.
  • All of our programmes are accredited by the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE).
  • The degree is part of an integrated programme across engineering providing opportunities to broaden your horizons through interactions with other disciplines. There is also the flexibility to choose the fine details of your individual degree options gradually as you progress through the programme.


  • Our core programme is designed to develop transferable management, business, professional and personal skills, and the diverse curriculum and training will equip you to be highly employable in the process industries as well as other economic sectors such as management consulting, banking, finance and accountancy.
  • You will have many employment opportunities in sectors such as pharmaceuticals and biotechnology, oil and gas production, contract engineering and manufacturing. You will also be well prepared to consider further study at postgraduate or doctoral level at UCL or elsewhere.
  • There are excellent opportunities and careers prospects for graduate chemical engineers, both within the UK and overseas. The rewards open to you are attractive - the average income of a chemical engineer, according to the IChemE, is consistently higher than that of graduates in other engineering disciplines.