Core modules provide students with the opportunity to consider developments in: information technology; assessment, change and development in the curriculum; sociological, psychological and linguistic issues; gender and mathematics; and vocational mathematics. Option modules and the independent dissertation/report provide opportunities to engage with mathematics itself, with the main focus on implications for teaching, and to develop and critique one's own practice.

Students undertake modules to the value of 180 credits.

The Mathematics Education MA consists of two core modules (60 credits), two optional modules (60 credits) and a dissertation (60 credits) or report (30 credits).


Graduates of this programme are currently working across a broad range of areas. Some are working as secondary school heads of mathematics, while others have jobs as primary school mathematics leads. Graduates can also be found working as head teachers and mathematics education lecturers.


For most teachers, the Mathematics Education MA enhances their satisfaction in teaching and adds a thoughtful critique that balances the pressures of teaching. It develops skills in mathematics, pedagogy, research methods and writing. This programme is a vital stepping-stone to a higher degree in mathematics education and a post in teacher education or education research. For non-teachers, this programme develops transferable skills of writing, critical analysis and understanding of how a mathematical perspective differs from other forms of reasoning.

Why study this degree at UCL?

The Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment Department at UCL Institute of Education is a world-leading centre for geography, business, mathematics, history, religious education, citizenship and science education. Students will work with tutors who are at the forefront of mathematics education research and who are directly involved in some of these developments.

The department provides an impressive range of cutting-edge MA and CPD courses, presented in face-to-face, distance learning or mixed mode formats. In addition we offer a first class PhD programme and staff are actively involved in an extensive range of innovative, nationally and internationally acclaimed, research and development projects.

The department's student population is very diverse: students on initial teacher education programmes, practising teachers, and a rich and diverse range of international students.