Degree benefits

  • Your learning will combine the design-studio model of UCLÕs renowned Bartlett School of Architecture with project-based learning in structural, civil and environmental engineering and design, drawing on expertise from the Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering (IEDE) and UCL Civil, Environmental & Geomatic Engineering (CEGE).

  • The programme is based both in central London and the new UCL Here East facilities at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, a state-of-the-art 4,000m_Êfabrication, experimentation, testing and study resource with cutting-edge labs fully equipped with digital and analogue fabrication facilities.

  • The programme is designed to meet Engineering Council MEng and Architecture degree-level requirements.

  • We are also actively seeking accreditation from the Joint Board of Moderators (JBM, which include IStructE and ICE), the Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) and Architecture Registration Board (RIBA/ARB) Part 1 exemption.

Degree structure

In each year of your degree you will take a number of individual modules, normally valued at 15 or 30 credits, adding up to a total of 120 credits for the year. Modules are assessed in the academic year in which they are taken. The balance of compulsory and optional modules varies from programme to programme and year to year. A 30-credit module is considered equivalent to 15 credits in the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS).

The first three years will provide an integrated programme of teaching and learning across engineering and architecture.

In year one you will develop core mathematics and engineering knowledge and skills by taking seven compulsory modules, all carefully tailored to this programme.

From year two onwards, half of your time will be spent in the design studio, where you will develop skills in design and engineering synthesis, enhancing your ability to address design challenges and the built environment.

In your final year you will select two optional modules from a range depending on your particular areas of interest and the specialist skills and knowledge you wish to develop.


This MEng is designed so that you will actively acquire a broad base of knowledge and skills to meet the educational and professional standards for a senior career in engineering and architecture design.

You will learn to develop, articulate and advocate your own position and will also develop expertise in areas of particular interest via self-directed engineering design and research projects.

The programme will uniquely equip you with the creative engineering and architectural design skills and critical faculties that are key to solving the complex challenges of the built environment, making you ideally placed to lead transformation in the construction industry.