Aberdeen is a leading centre for the study of literature, language and creative writing, rated second in the UK for its research output. You will study poetry and prose through the dynamic relationship between author, reader and literary text, every period from Chaucer to contemporary English, Scottish, Irish, European and American writing and the cultural and critical impact of powerful and controversial modern works. You will be inspired by enthusiastic teachers and researchers, themselves acclaimed authors and poets and be encouraged to develop your own creative writing skills.

Gaelic is an area of particular strength at Aberdeen. We have been teaching Scottish Gaelic (Gˆidhlig) and culture for a hundred years, led by teachers and researchers passionate about Gaelic, and whose work directly influences Scottish policy on keeping Gaelic alive, healthy and important in Scotland today. Our students and staff play an important role in the Gaelic-speaking community in the north of Scotland through clubs, activities, networks and organisations.

After studying English and Gaelic programme at University of Aberdeen you will graduate with many career options as diverse as publishing, teaching, research, journalism, business and speech therapy. Opportunities for graduates fluent in Scottish Gaelic are very good, including teaching, Gaelic development, arts management and librarianship and the commitment in Scotland to Gaelic broadcasting means increasing demand for Gaelic graduates to work in the media.