Our location in Aberdeen, the energy capital of Europe, and our engagement with local industry means that our students have the opportunity to engage with the local upstream oil and gas industry from the moment they embark on their studies.

The University has embarked on a major programme of refurbishing and upgrading the facilities. This has seen the addition of a new dedicated chemical engineering teaching laboratory and the development of state-of-the-art computing & learning spaces within the School of Engineering.

ÊChemical Engineering programme at University of Aberdeen is concerned with manipulating the chemical, biochemical or physical state of substances in order to convert raw materials into products in a safe and cost-effective manner. For example, petrol, plastics and the synthetic fibres which make up much of our clothing are all derived from oil which is extracted from the ground as a mixture of oil, water and gas.

What You'll Study

The first two years cover general engineering, with elements of chemical, mechanical, petroleum and electrical/electronics, as well as civil. In the later years you specialise, following your chosen discipline in greater depth. You do not need to finalise your choice of specialisation until you begin third year. This is also the point at which a final decision between MEng and BEng must be made. Successful BEng candidates will be offered the chance to change to the MEng.


If you have an aptitude and fascination for how the physical world works, are interested in how chemical reactions and the physical properties of matter can be harnessed to create world changing technologies, and want to contribute positively to making the life of the human race better and to the development of a sustainable environment, then you should consider chemical engineering as a career choice.

  • Excellent job prospects
  • Competitive starting salaries in the region of £29,500/year
  • High earning potential throughout your career - salaries for Chartered Chemical Engineers rival those of doctors, lawyers and accountants
  • Opportunities to travel
  • Plenty of variety and exciting challenges
  • The potential to help create a sustainable planet

Chemical Engineers are employed across a broad spectrum of industries including: Energy; Water; Pharmaceuticals; Food & Drink; Oil & Gas; Fast Moving Consumer Goods; Agrochemicals, fine chemicals & petrochemicals; Mining & Minerals; Biotechnology; Management; Consultancy; Environmental Protection; Safety.