Aberdeen has been a centre for Celtic studies for more than a century and is now a leading research centre in all aspects of the northern polar regions including its peoples and their societies. You will study languages, literature, culture and history, inspired by leading specialists in the history and literature of Britain, Ireland and Scandinavia in the Middle Ages, in medieval Celtic and Scandinavian literature, and the cultural history of Ireland and Anglo-Saxon England.

In Sociology, you will look at topics including the sociology of the family, the impact of religion on society and study the work/life balance. You will be taught by academic staff with international reputations for conducting high-quality research in social movements, religion and secularisation, conflict and peace and global political sociology. And you will become skilled in the social research methods used to gather the evidence to better understand aspects of society Ð which could be observation, interviews, large-scale surveys or analysing the content of documents and videos.

Studying Celtic & Anglo-Saxon Studies and Sociology programme at University of Aberdeen, you will develop great skills in thinking critically and posing probing questions Ð skills which have tremendous value to employers across the public, private and third sectors, opening opportunities in arts and heritage, journalism, marketing and advertising, local and national government, social and market research, charities, teaching, health and social services and human resources.