Degree benefits
  • This new degree programme provides a rigorous training in management science, with a strong focus on quantitative skills and the mathematics underpinning the practice of management.
  • Students will benefit from world-class facilities and expertise from across UCL?s Faculty of Engineering Sciences.
  • The programme places an emphasis the solving of cross-functional problems and will train students to understand the challenges ? risk, uncertainty, growth ? of complex business.
  • Graduates are expected to find positions in high-growth, technology-driven, innovation-intensive organisations such as technology firms, consulting firms and the banking and finance sector.


  • The Management Science degree programmes aim to provide students with a robust set of deep quantitative and problem-solving skills which will be applicable throughout their life and careers.
  • Graduates are expected to find positions in high-growth, technology-driven, innovation-intensive organisations such as technology firms, consulting firms and the banking and finance sector.