Your learning

The cornerstone of each course is a lecture series. Through demonstration classes and small-group work you will learn how to put economic models together, how to undertake quantitative analysis, and, potentially, formulate your own model to address a new problem. In the later parts of the programme, there is an increased emphasis on collaborative work and group presentations.


Your progress is monitored throughout the year on a course-by-course basis, which will provide feedback aimed at improving your understanding and technique. In addition to this you will also be assessed by year-end written examinations, multiple-choice questions, and an undergraduate thesis.


Many useful skills can be gained through the study of economics, for example: finding solutions to real-world problems, mathematical skills and an enhanced understanding of contemporary political and economic events.

About one-third of our graduates move directly into graduate study, including MScs in Economics, MBA programmes and conversion courses in computing and law. Students have also proceeded to doctoral programmes including those in major US economics departments such as Columbia, Yale and Chicago.

Graduates entering employment predominantly move into management, banking and finance and the civil service.


First destinations of recent graduates (2010-2013) of Economics programmes at UCL include:

  • Graduate IT Consultant, KPMG (2013)
  • Analyst, J. P. Morgan (2013)
  • Full-time student, MPhil in Economics at the University of Cambridge (2013)
  • Analyst, Bank of England (2013)
  • Full-time student, MA in Economics at the University of British Colombia (2013)