Degree benefits
  • You will acquire a distinctive mix of theoretical and practical skills (including a range of analytical techniques, independent research skills and project work) and specialised knowledge.
  • At the end of the programme you will be able to analyse and evaluate policy choices in the fields you have studied and carry out research on a sound basis.
  • Resources include: computer clusters, together with specialist facilities for geographical information and satellite image analysis; science laboratories; a reference map collection; a dedicated reading room and first-class library facilities.
  • UCL Geography and UCL Economics have both been very highly rated in the most recent (2014) Research Excellence Framework.


  • Having been trained in both sciences and humanities, UCL geographers are skilled in taking different perspectives on an issue, working independently and adapting to changing circumstances. Skills gained through the study of economics include finding solutions to real-world problems, mathematical skills and an enhanced understanding of political and economic events.
  • A degree combining economics and geography has proved very attractive to many employers, particularly those in business and commerce, the public sector and international organisations.
  • Geographers embark on many diverse careers: from teaching and research to commerce, planning and administration. Their expertise is valuable for environmental and physical planning, and surveying and.