Through the programe fromÊ (UCL) students develop the ability to apply scientific principles to crime control, think more strategically in developing and implementing crime control policies, appreciate the complexity of implementation issues, critically assess the likely impact of planned crime reduction initiatives and generate more innovative proposals for reducing particular crime problems.

Why study this degree at UCL?

The UCL Security & Crime Science is a world-first, devoted specifically to reducing crime through teaching, research, public policy analysis and by the dissemination of evidence-based information on crime reduction.

The Crime Science MSc is a multidisciplinary degree, drawing on expertise in psychology, social science, statistics, mathematics, architecture, forensic sciences, design, geography and computing.

The graduate students come from varied backgrounds; many are practitioners and are encouraged to contribute their experience in and out of the classroom.


Many graduates now work in the field of crime prevention and detection for public sector employers such as the Home Office, police and Ministry of Defence, or private sector companies with a crime prevention and community safety focus. Other graduates go on to further doctoral research.


Graduates from this programme gain skills in data analysis, both numerical and qualitative. They also have the opportunity to study crime prevention methods in depth, and acquire knowledge of different types of crime such as cybercrime, or organised crime. They will develop a broad knowledge of the field of security and crime science and a familiarity with the latest academic research through studying with world-leading experts.