About this degree

This programme will help students understand, analyse, debate and evaluate viewpoints, improving their research literacy and research skills, as well as helping them to contribute ideas on what young people need to learn in today's society, and most importantly, why.

Students take modules to the value of 180 credits.

The programme consists of two core modules (60 credits), two optional modules (60 credits) and a dissertation/report (60 credits).

A Postgraduate Diploma (120 credits) is offered.

A Postgraduate Certificate (60 credits) is offered.


Students undertake a dissertation of 20,000 words, or a 10,000-word report and an additional optional module.

Teaching and learning

Teaching is delivered in collaborative learning groups. Our aim is to develop communities of learners, and we expect students to be active participants in creating new knowledge. All assessment is through coursework.


Graduates of this programme are currently working across a broad range of areas. Some are working as heads of department, deputy heads and head teachers in UK schools, while others have jobs as curriculum developers in government education departments. Graduates can also be found working as university lecturers, researchers and PhD students.

Why study this degree at UCL?

The UCL Institute of Education is a world-leading centre of research and teaching in the field of education, and this programme is unique in the United Kingdom. You will study alongside students from all over the world, learn from tutors who are experts in the area, and becomeÊa leader of curriculum reform.