Anthropology and International Relations at University of Aberdeen will give you the perfect foundation for a wide range of careers, including local and national government, politics, journalism, NGOs, global business and international development.

Anthropology Ð for which we boast 100% student satisfaction Ð will give you a thorough grounding in humanity, the differences in human cultures and communities and how they have developed. You will gain insights into behaviours, beliefs and attitudes all over the world, exploring connections between aspects of life such as family, economics, politics and religion.

International Relations will set this in the context of our fast-moving world, as you study how organisations work, how states interact, the connection between global wealth and poverty, why and how we have inequality in our world and the ever-present concerns of conflict and peace.

You will be taught by internationally renowned academics with strong track records in publishing international papers and articles and who appear regularly in the media, analysing and explaining world events from the viewpoint of their own area of expertise and research.