Degree benefits
  • The programme is designed both for students with little or no previous knowledge of Russian (Mode One), and for students with Russian A level or equivalent (Mode Two).
  • Russian at UCL offers unrivalled opportunities, with academic expertise in language, literature, film, history, politics and an exceptional range of cultural options.
  • Spend your third year of study in Russia. In addition, for those who start Russian from scratch, the first year is completed with a month in Russia.
  • UCL SSEES is the largest national centre in the UK for the study of central, Eastern and south-east Europe and Russia. The SSEES Library contains over 400,000 books, journals and film resources.


  • Graduates will be able to offer Russian language skills and an understanding of political, economic and cultural factors in Russian society. These are highly sought after by governmental and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and consultancies, as well as by commercial, finance and media organisations, especially those which cross international boundaries.
  • The prospects for using Russian in a career have never been so good. Leading figures from government and business regularly stress the need for well-qualified Russianists, and our students are excellently fitted to take advantage of this situation. A degree with Russian can lead to a career in a whole range of fields, such as journalism, the civil service, business and finance.
  • Jobs that our graduates have found include: documentary film-making in Russia, organising Russian trade exhibitions, working for international companies in Moscow, and teaching or charity work in Russia.