Degree benefits
  • Pharmacology at UCL offers you an outstanding academic environment. We are internationally renowned in the discipline and are recognised for numerous major discoveries.
  • It is our aim to combine excellence in research with high-quality pharmacology teaching. We have particular expertise in areas such as neuropharmacology and immunopharmacology.
  • In your final year, you will have the opportunity to join a research team to carry out your own experimental research project.
  • We offer state-of-the-art modern facilities, and are located adjacent to the Medical Research Council's Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology, allowing for collaborative scientific projects.


  • This programme not only provides detailed knowledge of the subject, but also trains you in planning, executing and analysing scientific projects and in quantitative and analytical skills, equipping you with a versatility that will be very attractive to many employers.
  • Pharmacology brings together different aspects of biomedical sciences, opening up many fields of employment. If you are interested in laboratory research, you could progress to a postgraduate research degree (PhD) leading to opportunities in the pharmaceutical industry, governing research institutes, hospital laboratories, forensic science or university-based research.
  • Your scientific training may also be used in careers outside the laboratory, such as scientific publication and health administration (for example, the Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency (MHRA)).