Degree benefits
  • The unique core stream structure provides you with course options from across the spectrum of science disciplines.
  • You may broaden your knowledge further by selecting options in non-science subjects such as languages, management studies, computing and statistics.
  • While the programme offers a high level of flexibility, the core streams offer you a structured pathway to enable specialisation.
  • All members of our teaching staff are experts in their various fields and are active in research, so you will benefit from their cutting-edge knowledge in your lectures and tutorials.


  • The programme provides an all-round scientific education in its own right. On completion of your degree, you will have cultivated transferable skills and the ability to solve problems in a quantitative way and to see science in a modern context.
  • You could choose to specialise in a defined, but usually interdisciplinary, science field and proceed to study for a wide range of possible postgraduate degree and doctoral programmes. Alternatively, you will be equipped to pursue many career options, for example, as a scientific journalist, in science teaching, as a management consultant or in finance and banking.