Degree benefits
  • UCL provides an ideal environment for language study; we offer an enormous range of languages and state-of-the-art facilities, including a well-equipped language learning suite.
  • The Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning - Languages of the Wider World, run by UCL and SOAS, brings together the expertise of a wide range of language specialists.
  • UCL has a large international population, and you will have countless opportunities to practise and speak your chosen languages with native speakers and learn about the associated culture and society.
  • Our location in a cosmopolitan city provides access to frequent and varied cultural events, a huge range of museums, galleries, specialist libraries and bookshops, theatres, cinemas, cuisines and cultural societies.


  • There are many career opportunities for UCL's modern language graduates, and we embed in our teaching the acquisition of transferable skills as well as linguistic and cultural knowledge.
  • Popular career paths for modern language graduates include the financial sector, the civil service, journalism, accountancy, publishing, education, advertising, the media and law. Some graduates pursue careers that make special use of their language skills, including translating, interpreting and teaching, while others continue with graduate training and research.