Degree benefits
  • UCL Hebrew & Jewish Studies is the only department of its kind in the UK, and is highly regarded worldwide.
  • We teach a wide range of courses in Jewish history, politics and culture.
  • As part of your degree you can study both ancient and modern languages, including Biblical, Rabbinic, and Modern Hebrew, Aramaic, Syriac, Ugaritic, and Yiddish.
  • During your time in the department you will have access to a remarkable collection of Hebrew, Yiddish and Judaica books in the UCL Library, as well as to the special collections in the British Library, Wiener Library and the National Archives.


  • The programme develops a wide range of skills such as critical thinking, oral and written communication, and time management, in addition to linguistic ability, which will beneficial for a wide range of careers.
  • Our graduates take up employment in diverse fields including law, teaching (primary and secondary), banking and finance, journalism, publishing, the museum sector, and librarianship. Many choose to pursue postgraduate study, either continuing within Hebrew and Jewish studies or moving into different fields such as history, digital humanities, linguistics, religious studies, and others.