Degree benefits
  • There is a strong focus on spoken and written language work. Oral presentations, comprehension work and translation exercises will be a feature of your learning. Native speakers of French form an integral part of our teaching team.
  • There is a strong emphasis on film and literature studies, with resources including a notable French section in the UCL Library. We offer courses covering all periods of French and francophone literature and thought.
  • You will have access to the facilities of the UCL Centre for Languages & International Education. The French Society organises cultural and social events, for example, theatre visits, drama productions and trips to France.
  • You will have access to SOAS library collections and resources.


  • In addition to linguistic and cultural understanding, the programme aims to develop skills in critical reasoning, independent thinking and application of theoretical concepts. You will learn how to conduct research and to communicate effectively both orally and in writing.
  • Graduates of the department have entered a wide range of professions including finance, commerce, journalism, education, the media, public relations, translation and interpreting, and the police.