Aberdeen has been a centre for Celtic studies for more than a century and is now a leading research centre in all aspects of the northern polar regions including its peoples and their languages. You will also study literature, culture and history, inspired by leading specialists in the history and literature of Britain, Ireland and Scandinavia in the Middle Ages, in medieval Celtic and Scandinavian literature and the cultural history of Ireland and Anglo-Saxon England.

Language & Linguistics at Aberdeen is the fascinating exploration of how human language and speech evolved, creating a bridge between sound and meaning. You will study the ways in which we acquire languages as children and adults and how languages and dialects vary and change over time.

Our understanding of language grows all the time with new discoveries in archaeology and palaeontology, neuroscience, animal behaviour, sociology, and psychology and new ways to apply linguistics theory in industry, medicine, and forensic science emerge year on year.

The knowledge and skills you will develop studying Celtic & Anglo-Saxon Studies combined with Language & Linguistics programme at University of Aberdeen will make you very attractive to employers, especially if you choose a career in the media, advertising and marketing, information and communication technology, publishing, language teaching and health-related professions such as speech and language therapy.