Why studyÊCeltic and Anglo-Saxon Studies at University of Aberdeen?

The Celtic Department at Aberdeen provides a highly supportive research environment which fosters a wide variety of scholarly approaches to the ancient, medieval and modern cultures of the Celtic-speaking countries.

There is a special focus on contemporary Scottish Gaelic language, literature and socio-linguistics, minority-language planning and policy, medieval history, ancient Celtic religion and mythology, and the formation of our image of the Celts in the modern period.

The Department is represented on the Board of Celtic Studies (Scotland) and in close contact with the Celtic Departments of other Scottish Universities (Edinburgh, Glasgow).

Postgraduates are encouraged to make use of such links. Celtic at Aberdeen is also a member of the Irish-Scottish Academic Initiative, involving the Universities of Aberdeen and Strathclyde along with Queen's Univeristy Belfast and Trinity College Dublin. This provides students and staff with opportunities for scholarly exchanges of various types.The Celtic Department at Aberdeen provides a highly supportive research environment which fosters a wide variety of scholarly approaches to the ancient, medieval and modern cultures of the Celtic-speaking countries.


Postgraduate degrees in Gaelic or Celtic & Anglo-Saxon Studies can lead to careers in University teaching and research, but they can also lead to careers in, for example, the civil service, tourism, heritage management and the media.Ê